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Ultralight Flight
by Mike Markowski
203 pages              $14.95

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This is the first book we recommend for anyone considering becoming involved with ultralight type aircraft. It focuses on the basics of low and slow flight, goes over the basic design of the craft, and will give a very good idea of what to expect regarding performance and handling in both perfect and not-so-perfect weather conditions. The soon-to-be ultralight pilot will learn enough to ask the right questions and to then understand the answers. The more experienced pilot will also benefit from the explanations of the design and of low speed aerodynamics and micro-meteorology. This is a great starter book that you won't want to discard after your first few flights.


Table of Contents
Ultralight Foundations                      5
Ultralight vocabulary                       7
The ultra-early days                        9

Ultralight Aerodynamics
The atmosphere                             71
Air in motion77
The boundary layer                         83
Theories of lift                           89
Drag                                       97
The ultralight wing                       109

Ultralight Handling Qualities
Longitudinal stability                    137
Directional stability                     153
Lateral stability                         159
Unconventional configurations             167

Ultralight Performance
A matter of balance                       175
Flying performance                        181
Operational performance                   197


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