you ever wanted to know about spins but didn't know
to ask. This is a highly indepth, but clearly understandable
look at spins in light aircraft based on a recent
NASA study. It goes through the aerodynamics of
spinning, spin recovery, how various airplane designs
affect spin characteristics, human responses to
spinning, etc..
This book is highly recommended to the inexperienced
aviator who has always had an inate fear of spins
to the accomplished instructor who wants a detailed
understanding of everything that occurs in the cycle,
and why.
the Preface:
The spin has troubled pilots since the dawn of
aviation. Because of its complexity, the spin
is often considered an unfathomable mystery of
physics. In the past, some of the mystery has
been resolved by trial and error investigations.
But recent scientific research provides more accurate
information about spinning. Whether you are a
flight instructor, a seasoned aviator, or a student
pilot, Surviving Spins will give you both a practical
and theoretical understanding of spins.