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pages $31.95
most comprehensive aviation powerplant textbook
available with major revisions from the previous
edition. It is written to exceed FAR part 147
standards. Includes over 120 color illustrations
of engine cross sections, instruments, and control
systems. Arranged in a logical, practical order
with emphasis on hands on learning.
of Contents |
Reciprocating Engines (50 pages)
design and construction
operating principles
2] Reciprocating Engine Operation, Maintenance, Inspection,
& Overhaul (72 pages)
operation, maintenance, and inspection
removal and overhaul
3] Turbine Engines (44 pages)
design and construction
operating principles
4] Turbine Engine Operation, Maintenance, Inspection, &
Overhaul (43 pages)
operation, maintenance, and inspection
removal and overhaul
5] Induction Systems (17 pages)
reciprocating engines
turbine engines
6] Exhaust Systems (12 pages)
reciprocating engines
turbine engines
7] Fuel and Fuel Metering (70 pages)
fuel systems
reciprocating engines
turbine engines
8] Ignition & Electrical Systems (108 pages)
motors and starting systems
electrical systems components
reciprocating engine systems
turbine engine systems
9] Lubrication Systems (38 pages)
lubricating oils
reciprocating engines
turbine engines
10] Cooling Systems (14 pages)
reciprocating engines
turbine engines
11] Engine Fire Protection (20 pages)
fire detection systems
fire extinguishing systems
12] Propellers (72 pages)
propeller principles
fixed pitch propellers
adjustable pitch propellers
turboprop propellers
auxiliary propellers
inspection, maintenance, and installation
Highly Recommended!