Airframe Topics
Specialty Skills |
Destructive Testing for Aircraft
by Douglas Latia - Newly revised 2001
122 Pages

newly revised edition covers the 6 basic classes of nondestructive
testing techniques as typically used in the aviation industry.
The advantages, disadvantages, and common applications
of each technique are covered along with the theory behind
each technique, a detailed step by step description of
each procedure, and interpretation of all possible results.
covered are, Liquid Penetrant, Magnetic Particle, Eddy
Current, Ultrasonic, and Radiographi
the Preface
The aircraft technician can expect to spend more time
dealing with problems associated with fatigue. To maintain
the same high degree of safety, fatigue cracks and corrosion
must be located and dealt with in the earliest stages.
Attention has been directed towards nondestructive testing
for this purpose more than ever before. The purpose
of this book is to provide student technicians
with a working knowledge of the nondestructive test
methods widely used in aircraft maintenance. It contains
a good balance of theory and practical information.
1] Introduction to Nondestructive Testing
methods, advantages
& disadvantages, common failure
inspection philosophy
& design
2] Liquid Penetrant Testing
procedures, quality
control, safety precautions
3] Magnetic Particle Testing
magnetism, principles
of magnetic particle testing
4] Eddy Current Testing
theory, eddy current
instruments, test coils
reference standards,
impedance plane analysis
5] Ultrasonic Testing
theory, sound wave
generation, wave modes,
energy losses, operation,
CRT presentations,
reference standards,
6] Radiographic Testing
general principles,
radiation sources,
radiographic equipment,
application, safety
7] Glossary