Maintenance |
Flyer - Key Reprints
by Textron Lycoming
99 pages
is a reprint of the many technical articles which have previously
appeared in the Lycoming Flyer Magazine. (which is
no longer published) Most of these articles regard
the operation of Lycoming engines with a few involving maintenance,
the understanding of maintenance, and steps that you as
the owner \operator can take to avoid them. This is
"official" information coming straight from Lycoming.
Consider it both interesting and critical information
for anyone flying behind or maintaining these powerplants.
Table of Contents
Determining condition on high time powerplants
Oil analysis
Aerobatic engines
Low compression engines
Fuel contamination
Auto fuel in Lycoming Engines
Lycoming approved oil filters
Detonation and pre-ignition
Compression ratios
Fixed pitch propellers
Induced engine damage
Welding is not recommended
Questions for engine modifiers
Engine balance
Fuel injection or carburetion
"Same engine" myth
Low time may not mean quality
Engine break-in
Leaning Lycoming engines
Operating fixed pitch props
Operation during takeoff and climb
EGT and fuel management
High elevation airports
Basic power sequence
Power settings
Low rpm cruise
Induction icing
Cold weather operation
Warning on simulated engine out manuevers
Importance of CHT
Interpreting engine instruments
Starting suggestions
Use of fuel boost pumps
Sudden cooling
Sticking valves - the warning signs
Avoiding sticking valves
The pilot and turbocharging
Thieves of engine power
Wet air effects on engines
Frequency of flight and its effect on engines
Old wives tales
Spark plug fouling
Air filter maintenance
Oil and the engine
Oil and filter change recommedations
Maintaining oil levels
Finding Metal in the filter
Engine color codes
Break-in and oil consumption limits
Compression check as a maintenance aid
Spark plugs - key to a smooth engine
Why rotate plugs
Engine hoses
Checking and adjusting tappet clearance
The O-235 engine
Base nut tightening procedures
Fuel injector nozzles
Simple check of internal timing
Counterweight rollers
Lightning strikes
Use of incorrect fuel
Prop strikes
Engine starters
Replacing rods and pistons
Leaking nose seals
Cam & tappet wear
Exhaust system maintenance
High time cylinders
Top Overhaul?
Lycoming model codes