A&P Training |
Inspection Authorization Test Prep - 3rd
by Dale Crane
400 pages $29.95
A&P mechanics who are looking to add Inspection
Authorization to his or her credentials. All Inspection
authorization candidates must pass the FAAs test.
The IA Test Prep provides the requiremnts to apply
for and pass the IA test including 220 sample questions
which typify what candidates are likely to be asked
on the exams. All FAA reference material that applies
to the test is included; Advisory Circulars, Airworthiness
Directives, regulations, FAA orders, and Type Certificate
Data Sheets.
of Contents |
of Inspection Authorization
what to know about IA certification
what to know about the IA test
other IA details
The Functions of an IA
major repairs and alterations
anuual and progressive inspections
maintenance records
aircraft owner / IA relationships
Title 14 of the code of FARs
Parts 1, 21, 23, 39, 43, 45, 65, 91, 135,
Airworthiness Directives
categories of ADs
publication of ADs
construction of ADs
sample test questions
sample Airworthiness Directives
FAA Order 8130.21A
sample test questions
sample forms
Advisory Circulars
Type Certificate Data Sheets, Aircraft Specs, and Listings