like the PBS show "This Old House"
but for building an RV. These are well produced
videos, originally aired on the Discovery Channel,
which show you step-by step what the
building experience of an RV-8 Quickbuild is
all about. Although they are not as detailed
as the Orndorff construction videos, and can
not be construed as an addendum to the manual;
they are enjoyable to watch and do contain hundreds
of hints and tips which can help make your project
more sucessful.
them because you are yet to begin and want
to know what your commitment will be all about.
Watch them for the many hints and tips. Watch
them because you just can't get enough of
Your shop, tools, basic processes, costs.
Empennage construction and installation
Wing construction, flaps & ailerons
Interview with Van.
Attaching wings, control surfaces,
control linkages, customizing options.
Fuselage interior components. Other
aircraft restoration problems
Instrument panel construction.
Selection, installation, and wiring of
instruments and avionics.
Engine and prop selection and installation.
Engine manufacture overlook by Teledyne-Mattituck
Fuel system plumbing
The canopy, cowl, various
fairings, and fiberglass techniques.
Paint prep and painting techniques.
FAA DAR inspection and guidelines.
First flight and early flight tests.