A&P Training |
2002 Flight Libraries on CDrom
Library |
Pro-Library |

43.13 1B, 2A
FAA's General, Airframe, Powerplant Textbooks
Dictionary of Aeronautical Terms
....850 other documents all on one CD
tremendous library of FAA publications relevant to Maintenance
Technicians & Pilots. (it is absolutely incredible how
much data can fit on a 4" piece of plastic) The basic
library contains the complete text and graphics of over 500 publications.
The Pro-Library adds the complete text of every STC and every
AD written since 1941. It does take some time to learn and
get used to the search engine features, but once you do, access
to any document or topic becomes quick and easy.
requirements: Pentium processor, Windows 95 and up, 16mb RAM,
13mb hard disk space, VGA or SVGA monitor, CDrom, mouse.
MAC users can use the program with a PC emulator program such
as Virtual PC.
Maintenance Related Publications
FARs for Maintenance Technicians (FAR-AMT)
Parts 1, 13, 21, 23, 27, 33, 34, 35, 39, 43,
45, 47, 65, 91, 121, 125, 135, 145, 147, 183;
AC 20-62, 20-109, 21-12, 39-7. 43.9, 65-11,
AC 43.13 1B, 2A
FAA Mechanics Handbooks (Textbooks)
General Handbook, AC 65-9A
Airframe Handbook, AC 65-15A
Powerplant Handbook, AC 65-12A
Other Maintenance Publications
Weight & Balance Handbook
A&P Mechanics Certification Guide
Dictionary of Aeronautical Terms
Nondestructive Testing in Aircraft
Ultrasonic Testing for Aircraft
Airworthiness Certification of Aircraft
FAA Advisory Circulars (some sample titles shown, about 400
others also included)
Nickel-Cadmium Battery Operational, Maintenance,
and Overhaul
Composite Aircraft Structure.
Shoulder Harness-Safety Installations.
Installation of Turbochargers in Airplanes
Hazards From Propeller Blade and Hub Failures.
Bird Ingestion Certification Standards.
Maintenance Records
Computer Generated/Stored Records
Maintenance and Handling of Air-Driven Gyroscopic
Index of Aviation Technical Standard Orders
Shock Absorption Tests
Weld Repair of Aluminum Crankcases and Cylinders
of Piston Engines
Reciprocating Engine Overhaul Terminology and
Altimeter and Static System Tests and Inspections
Strobe Light System Inspection Practices
Charles Taylor "MASTER MECHANIC" Award.
Circulars related to Aircraft Homebuilding (many more)
Certification of Repairmen (Experimental Aircraft
Certification and Operation of Amateur-Built
Aircraft Position Light and Anticollision Light
Surplus Military Aircraft - A Briefing for
Prospective Buyers
Commercial Assistance During Construction of
Amateur-Built Aircraft
Control System Operations Test
Identification and Registration Marking
Approved Markings, and Placards
Piloting Related Publications
FAR/AIM for Pilots
Part 1, 43, 61, 67, 71, 73, 91, 97, 103, 105,
119, 135, 137, 141, 142, and
NTSB 830; Complete AIM Manual
Practical Test Standards
all ratings and all types
FAA Handbooks
Aerodynamics for Naval Aviators
Airplane Flying Handbook
Aviation Instructor's Handbook
Aviation Weather
Balloon Flying Handbook
Instrument Flying Handbook
Pilot Examiner's Handbook
Rotorcraft Flying Handbook
Student Pilot Guide
Advisory Circulars (some sample titles shown, about 400
others included)
Aviation Weather.
Atmospheric Turbulence Avoidance.
Aviation Weather Services.
Pilot Windshear Guide.
Mountain Winds and Their Visual Indicators.
Hand Fire Extinguishers for use in Aircraft.
Aircraft Ice Protection.
The Accident Prevention Counselor Program
Stall Spin Awareness Training
Aircraft Wake Turbulence
Cold Weather Operation of Aircraft
Unreliable Airspeed Indications
Use of Automotive Gasoline
Use of Child Seats In Aircraft